Candidates planning to appear for the CUET UG 2025 exam with Sanskrit as their domain subject can now access the CUET Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 PDF through this article. The National Testing Agency (NTA) is expected to officially release the syllabus soon on its website. The Sanskrit syllabus includes key topics such as शब्दरूपाणि (usage of declensions), धातुरूपाणि (verb conjugations), सन्धयः (rules of Sandhi and separations), समासाः (compounds and breakdown), प्रत्यया (suffixes), उपपदविभक्तिप्रयोगाः (case usage), भाषिककार्यम् (language tasks), उन्दसां लक्षणपरिचयः (introduction to meters), शब्दालङ्काराः (phonetic figures of speech), अर्थालङ्काराः (semantic figures of speech), and संस्कृत साहित्य सामान्य परिचय (general overview of Sanskrit literature). The CUET UG 2025 exam is expected to be held in the second week of May 2025, giving candidates ample time to prepare for this important domain subject. Stay updated for the latest information and resources to enhance your preparation.
CUET Exam Pattern 2025 for Sanskrit Exam | |
Particulars | Details |
CUET 2025 Medium of Exam | English & 13 languages opted by the Candidates |
Number of questions in CUET 2025 Exam | 50 |
Questions to be Attempted in CUET 2025 Exam | 40 |
Total marks | 200 |
Type of question | Multiple Choice Questions |
Exam Duration | 45 Minutes |
Exam Frequency | Once a year |
Marking Scheme | +5 marks for correct answer -1 marks for an incorrect answer Zero mark for unattempted Question |
S.No. | Topic | Details |
1 | शब्दरूपाणि – वाक्येषु विभक्तिप्रयोगाः | अजन्ता (बालक, फल, रमा, नदी, मति, इत्यादि) और हलन्त (राजन्, आत्मन्, पणिन्, इत्यादि) के शब्द रूप |
2 | धातुरूपाणि | परस्मैपद और आत्मनेपद धातु रूपों का अध्ययन (लट्, लङ्, लोट्, लृट्, विधिलिङ्) |
3 | सन्धयः और सन्धिविच्छेदाः | स्वर, व्यंजन, और विसर्ग संधियों का ज्ञान |
4 | समासाः और विग्रहाः | अव्ययीभाव, द्वंद्व, तत्पुरुष, और बहुव्रीहि समास |
5 | प्रत्ययाः | कृत, तद्धित, और स्त्री प्रत्यय (जैसे क्त्वा, ल्यप्, मतुप, टाप्, इत्यादि) |
6 | उपपदविभक्तिप्रयोगाः | वाक्यों में विभक्ति प्रयोग का ज्ञान |
7 | भाषिककार्यं | विशेषण-विशेष्य, क्रिया-कर्ता, पर्यायवाची और विलोम शब्द चयन |
8 | छन्दः और श्लोक छन्दों की पहचान | छन्द के प्रकार जैसे अनुष्टुभ, वसंततिलका, मांडाक्रांता, इत्यादि |
9 | शब्दालङ्काराः और अर्थालङ्काराः | अनुप्रास, यमक, श्लेष (शब्दालंकार); उपमा, रूपक, उत्प्रेक्षा (अर्थालंकार) |
10 | संस्कृत साहित्य का सामान्य परिचय | साहित्य की ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि और प्रमुख रचनाएँ |
To score well in the CUET UG Sanskrit exam, follow these expert preparation tips to boost your performance and confidence:
Start by strengthening your basics in Sanskrit grammar. Focus on crucial rules such as sandhi (word combinations), samasa (compound words), and declensions. Regularly practice exercises to enhance your understanding and accuracy.
Study essential Sanskrit texts, including summaries of classics like the Bhagavad Gita and selected works of Kalidasa. Pay attention to the context, themes, and philosophical ideas presented in these texts.
Recite shlokas aloud to improve pronunciation, memorization, and rhythm. This will also deepen your connection with the language and its poetic essence.
Practice translating passages from Sanskrit into your preferred language. Start with simple texts and gradually tackle more complex ones to build confidence and fluency.
Expand your Sanskrit vocabulary by focusing on words used in specific texts or themes. Create your own sentences using these words to retain their meanings and usage effectively.
Familiarize yourself with literary devices commonly used in Sanskrit literature, such as alankara (figures of speech). Identify and analyze these devices in the texts you study to better appreciate their artistry.
Improve your comprehension by reading Sanskrit passages and answering related questions. This will strengthen your analytical and interpretative abilities, crucial for the exam.
Go through previous years’ CUET Sanskrit question papers to identify recurring topics, question patterns, and important areas. This will help you focus your preparation on high-priority subjects.
By following these preparation tips and staying consistent, you can excel in the CUET UG 2025 Sanskrit exam. Make sure to create a study plan that allows time for revision and practice to ensure success!
The CUET Sanskrit syllabus includes a variety of topics essential for mastering the language. It covers शब्दरूपाणि (declensions and their application in sentences), धातुरूपाणि (verb forms and conjugations), and सन्धयः एवं सन्धिविच्छेदाः (rules of Sandhi and their separations). Other key areas are समासाः और विग्रहाः (compounds and their breakdown), प्रत्यया (suffixes), and उपपदविभक्तिप्रयोगाः (case usage in different contexts).
The syllabus also focuses on भाषिककार्यं (tasks related to synonyms, antonyms, and sentence formation), छन्दः और छन्दोऽधिज्ञानम् (meters and their identification in verses), and शब्दालङ्काराः और अर्थालङ्काराः (figures of speech, including phonetic and semantic embellishments). Additionally, it provides a संस्कृत साहित्य का सामान्य परिचय (general overview of Sanskrit literature).
Yes, students can choose up to five subjects across all three sections in the CUET exam. To ensure you select the right subjects, it’s essential to check the eligibility criteria and subject requirements for the specific course and university you’re applying to. Visit the university’s official website to find detailed information about CUET subject mapping and course eligibility.
The CUET UG 2025 exam is tentatively scheduled for the second week of May 2025. The application process is expected to begin in February 2025. Stay updated by visiting the official CUET website for the latest announcements and details.
Candidates can easily download the CUET Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 PDF either from this article or by visiting the official CUET website. On the official website, navigate to the “Syllabus” section and click on the link for the Sanskrit syllabus to access and download it. Stay updated for the latest information on the syllabus release.
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